Pexip Desktop Clients 1.8.6

Welcome to version 1.8.6 of the next generation of Pexip clients.

Download for your platform

Please contact your support representative if you have any difficulties with these builds

Important Information for Windows Users

We are currently migrating our certificates for the Windows installer over to EV certificates and as such Windows defender may flag this installation.

Information for macOS Catalina users

This dmg installer for macOS has been notarized by Apple and should be compatible with the increased security restrictions in Catalina.


 d05cffb1935e4acbb23e89614c223a40  pexip-infinity-connect_1.8.6-62992.13.5_darwin-x64.dmg
58777872f5341f2ccca1429c3491432d  pexip-infinity-connect_1.8.6-62992.13.5_win-x64.msi
03f17e786e76f7ffcdeb28f9abc70505  pexip-infinity-connect_1.8.6-62992.13.5_linux-x64.tgz
67b4c742e68f76e914a03ed2b5eb1586  pexip-infinity-connect_1.8.6-62992.13.5-1_amd64.deb